If Everything Could Eever Feel This Real Forever. If Anything Could Ever Be This Good Again. The Only Thing I'll Ever Ask Of You, You Gotta Promise Not To Stop When I Say When.

Tuesday 13 March 2012

A-Z of me. Harder than I thought!

So I thought I'd jump on the bandwagon and do one of these A-Z of things I love. I actually decided to write it about a week ago, but it took me so long to think of things I love! So here goes:

A - Animal Kingdom in Florida. The best holiday of all time. When my family was still one piece, I was young, and still found everything fascinating. I loved the tree of life too. Incredible.

B - The Beach. I always say I hate it, but I know that living in the place that I do I take it completely for granted. It is a stunning place and I think I'd really miss it if I left.

C - Cuddles. This one I think goes without saying. Cuddles with Daniel. In my opinion absolutely nothing better. And this leads me nicely to my next letter.

D - Daniel. My life. And the one person that will be there for me no matter what. He understands me. And I believe he's my soulmate.

D - Dad. Okay yes another 'D', but this one deserves it. My Dad is the one person in my family that I can always trust to help me out in a bad situation. He means the world to me and I probably don't tell him this enough.

E - Exercise. I wish I did more of it now, because I used to be so sporty and I love it. I love the feeling of accomplishment you get afterwards.

F - Fashion. I love anything to do with fashion as anyone reading my blog will know. I just wish I had the motivation to follow my dreams, as cheesey as it sounds.

G - Godrevey Beach. I used to come here all the time with my Nan, sit up on the coves and watch the dolphins. Definately my favourite place. A lot of good memories up there.

H - Haribo Strawbs. This sounds like a bit of a gay one but it's kind of mine and Danny's thing. Competitions to see who can throw it up the highest and catch it in their mouth. I won. Obviously. Ha, I wish. I sucked.

I - Inspiration. I love the feeling I get when I get inspiration. For new designs, new outfits, new blog posts, anything.

J - Jewellery. I have several bracelets on my wrist that all mean different things to me. A few necklaces, and a few rings. All from different friends or family and with different meanings. They mean a hell of a lot to me.

K - Kindle. I don't know what I'd do without it now. I absolutely love my kindle. I read a hell of a lot, and this goes everywhere with me. So much easier than carrying a book!

L - Lazy Days. Whether it be movies with the boyf, catch ups with friends or even a chill out day by myself. After a week of working, I normally use a Sunday for a lazy day just to refresh myself.

M - My Hero by The Foo Fighters. Probably my all time favourite song. And I thank my Daddy for introducing me to the world of amazing music.

N - Netball. Pretty much the same as the sport thing. I play Goal Attack, and absolutely love it. Have played it since I was about 10.

O - Ollie. There was no question about this letter. My border collie 14 year old pooch means the world to me. He's always extremely good company and is always up for a cuddle.

P - Photos. There isn't really a need to explain this one. They hold a lot of fantastic memories.

Q - Quiet. After a long day at work there isn't anything more I like than coming home to a peaceful house (not that it EVER happens) and chilling out for an hour to unwind.

R - Reading. I think that reading helps me to escape from the shit happening in my world and go into the world of the character of the book. Sounds like a queer persons view, but I could read a book for hours and never get bored.

S - Sunsets. Sitting on the beach in the summer watching the sunset with a bottle of wine and a few friends is a perfect summer evening.

T - Teddies. Again, being 20 years old you'd think I have grown out of this habit by now. And I have, but there is clearly a few I would never get rid of, as they were given to me by extremely special people.

U - Ukelele. Okay, so maybe not for me personally, as I don't have a musical bone in my body. But I love hearing my sister play it. The talent that comes out of that girl and a small guitar is untrue.

V - Vampires. I have a small obsession with the twilight films. Not for any particular reason apart from the fact I really LOVE the books.

W - Writing. I think my whole blog explains this in itself.

X - Xabec. The gem of a villa that I found for me and my friends to stay in in Menorca. 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, a basketball court and a swimming pool. And we payed £30 each for the week. Amazing place and one of the best holidays.

Y - Yawning. I just love sleep ha.

Z - Zebra Print. Or any other animal print. Obviously not all together. Just a few accessories or shoes will do me just fine.

Okay, so the last two were a bit silly and pointless, but at least I got one for every letter?!


Anonymous said...

Really like this and not because of the nice comments about me! Great stuff x

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