If Everything Could Eever Feel This Real Forever. If Anything Could Ever Be This Good Again. The Only Thing I'll Ever Ask Of You, You Gotta Promise Not To Stop When I Say When.

Friday 24 February 2012

Little Pickers Wear Bigger Knickers..

I think that after eating 10 sausage rolls and spaghetti for dinner, I can come to the desicion eating issues are not really a problem for me anymore. The only problem I seem to have around food is that I eat too much of it. My new years resolution (like most people after plumping up over christmas) was to go to the gym, do more exercise and lose some weight.

The no carbs diet I went on lasted for 2 weeks. I ate lettuce and soup, and drank nothing but water. Although I would still be hungry all the time no matter how much salad I seemed to shove down my throat. My craving for pizza and crisps just became too much and I caved. I felt awful afterwards, because I basically undid all the work I had done those two weeks... but like an alcoholic is with booze, I had to be weaned of pizza slowly, a bit at a time... not go cold turkey straight away as I had found out! This sounds ridiculous I know but all I could think about was when I could eat junk food! A diet of lettuce leaves just isn't for me.

I had actually lost a bit of weight, I kept looking in the mirror every day and seeing my wine belly slowly disappearing. I got back into my netball and played once or twice a week, and generally felt better about myself. I started putting more of an effort into my appearance and stopped drinking. I found that this was a big contributer into my tummy appearing, and sure enough, when I cut off the wine, my tummy disappeared.

Although it didn't last. I thought that getting thin again would happen overnight. That I could eat a whole lettuce and all of a sudden I'd be svelte and have the longed for bikini body. In the famous words of Winnie the Pooh "how long does getting thin take?"

I still haven't been to the gym.

"Inside some of us is a thin person struggling to get out, but they can usually be sedated with a few pieces of chocolate cake."


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