If Everything Could Eever Feel This Real Forever. If Anything Could Ever Be This Good Again. The Only Thing I'll Ever Ask Of You, You Gotta Promise Not To Stop When I Say When.

Friday 24 February 2012

We Are Stronger Here Together, Than We Could Ever Be Alone...

Have you ever met that one person, that just seems to understand you? Everything that you go through, everything that you think, they just get you.

I met that person at a beach party one summer. If I recall rightly, I hid his shoes in a bush whilst he was sleeping by the fire. I'd never spoken to him before, but I thought it'd be a laugh, as one does after a few too many drinks. He chased after me and wouldn't leave me alone until I told him where his shoes were. Me being the flirt I am, delayed finding his shoes for a good 20 minutes just so I got to talk to him.

We started talking and fast became close. We'd go for walks down the to the beach and look at the stars. He would tell me about all the constellations that he knew about (I pretended to look like I knew what he was on about, but really I had no clue and just gave a smile and nodded occasionally). We had competitions to see who could throw sweets the highest in the air, (being nearly 16, I was genuinely impressed by this) and catch them in their mouths. There was one occasion where it went so high it touched a branch of a tree before it came back down and he caught it in his mouth. Needless to say I was extremely impressed by this and I knew that someone that had the ability to do this had to be mine...

Tomorrow we are celebrating 5 years together. We have our ups and downs like any couple does, but we have a pretty amazing thing going. He has been there for me through thick and thin, whenever I need a moan (which apparently I do rather regularly, but I don't seem to notice), or a shoulder to cry on, or someone to have a laugh with. He's my best friend, and I believe my soul mate. I like the comfort and safety of having someone like him there, even if its just a text or a phone call to let me know he's thinking of me. I just hope one day that I get to be there for him as much as he has been there for me.

I love you to the moon and back.

Your Bells. xx


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